Author Archive | Dr. Alice Cash

Music before surgery

What?? You can get music for surgery in the Apple App Store?!

YES!  Now you can get music that has been curated by a licensed therapist and musicologist…specifically for surgery! Several years ago when CD players began disappearing and streaming music became the norm, Healing Music Enterprises and Surgical Serenity Solutions decided to digitize our playlists and put them into app format so that more people […]

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Song for a Flood in Progress

Is it possible that music can do anything to comfort someone during a flood?  This week has seen one of the most devastating floods since Noah!!  It was all a result of Hurricane Harvey that ripped through Houston, stalled out there for the next five days, and then drifted out to sea, gained strength and […]

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Music and the 4th of July!!

Music and the 4th of July go together like love and marriage!  I enjoy the big fireworks displays, but the patriotic music associated with 4th of July is just the best!!  The use of music to accompany festive occasion is, of course, ancient.   Whatever kind of celebration of ritual is going on, music enhances […]

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