Healing Music and the Today Show
Alice Cash on the

Today Show on NBC

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Clemson University
invited Alice to present the first annual William H. Hunter, M.D. lecture

Hear Dr. Cash on NPR

Healing Power of Music 2010

Are you having surgery anytime soon? If so, you must hear about the amazing breakthrough in this field.

This discovery will revolutionize the operating suite as we know it. What is it? Something that has been around for thousands of years.

It’s music, but not just any music.

This healing music program will describe in detail the music that you want to take into the operating room and then will provide you with a generous sample of this music. Dr. Cash will explain why certain music has higher healing powers and how the selection of healing music will differ for each individual. The music is performed by Dr. Cash, a concert pianist and clinical musicologist.

Dr. Alice Cash has been studying, researching and speaking nationally about The Healing Power of Music since 1990. She worked at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, conducting research on music’s power to heal. Prior to forming her own company, Healing Music Enterprises, Dr. Cash was a member of the clinical staff of a large medical-surgery hospital in Louisville.

"Healing Power of Music 2007" includes an in-depth interview with Dr. Cash. She will guide you on how to introduce music's healing properties with your surgeon and anesthesiologist. Your doctors will want to know your plans and how to prepare to use the music. Don’t wait another day to get this exciting and revolutionary program.

Benefits of Surgery Plus Music:

  • Up to 50% less anesthesia needed because body is already relaxed
  • Pulse of music stabilizes bio-rhythms so that less medical intervention needed
  • Listening to patient-chosen music through headphones enables patients to need less anxiety medication prior to surgery
  • Listening to patient-chosen music through headphones enables patients to need less pain medication in the recovery room
  • Headphones block out sounds of OR chatter or surgical cutting, drilling, sawing, etc.
  • Patient leaves hospital sooner, a benefit to patient and hospital.


Healing Power of Music 2007: ($39.97)
Recorded Live at Clemson University
DVD format


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Healing Music Enterprises/Surgical Serenity Solutions
2720 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206

Office:  502-419-1698
Fax:  502-899-3272


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