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Baby Boomers and Music:  Together Forever
NEW Workshop Audio Recording!

Dr. Alice Cash


Are you a Baby Boomer? 

If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you're considered a Baby Boomer, born in the post-World War II flood of babies born to soldiers returned from the war and their family. 

The music of the Baby Boomers is well-known to all generations and is popular with today's youth as well as people who could be parents of Baby Boomers.  This music is powerful and because we baby boomers have powerful connections between this music and the hormones of "falling in love," listening to this music as we age can be a major contributor to our feelings of wellness and well-being. Never in the history of popular music has a musical era or genre carried over 4 decades of influence.  Today colleges teach the history of rock and roll. Children can sing the words and melodies while grandparents recall what they were doing years ago. A bonding of age and youth, of different generations, and of then and now.  

It was a time where music divided the family. Parents and children clashed regarding what was appropriate, what was moral, and what was "sinful." Yet today, that same music bonds Baby Boomers, their families, and their memories together forever!

Miss Playground 1962Baby Boomers and Music:  Together Forever workshop was  presented to activity directors at senior centers in Georgia and recorded live.  As it turned out, nearly everyone in the audience was a baby boomer and we had a great time talking about our memories associated with this music and how it affects us today.

Alice Cash walks her audience through the relationship between Baby Boomers and music.

  • Learn important, easy-to-understand facts about how music affects the mind-body
    "Research at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX concluded that 10 minutes of vocal toning is equal to 5 mg of Valium."

  • Revisit memories from your childhood and youth about the messages you learned through music such as "big girls don't cry" or "I won't last a day without you," memories that contribute to co-dependency in adulthood.
  • Understand how interactive exercises with music can get you through a stressful day
  • Create a listening plan for yourself, to energize or relax and calm,  based on the pop music of the 50's, 60's
    and 70's.
"Fantastic" I liked best "how we can use music to change moods and to spark the memory of Alzheimer clients"
           Josephine Brown, Newton County Senior Services, Covington, GA

"Music therapy works with our efforts to introduce more natural ways to relax, heal, and improve our quality of living"   
                       Dixie Pounds, Benson Multipurpose Complex, Atlanta, GA

Baby Boomers and Music provides an educational, fun experience focusing on the how the popular music of the 50's - 80's affects use today.

Baby Boomers and Music: Together Forever is available as a CD or Download
CD: ($29.97)
Qualifies for Free Shipping
mp3 Digital Download mp3 Digital Download: ($19.97)
file size: 35.9 mb

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