Healing Music Enterprises Blog

Tune Your Life with Music

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Trained as a classical, concert pianist, I stepped into the world of music as medicine in 1990. It is a fantastic adventure! It has taken me around the world and I’m eager to keep traveling! Free sample of healing music: Listen to sample.

Are you looking for a dynamic, exciting, internationally-known speaker for your next conference?  Dr. Alice Cash has spoken to audiences from Hawaii to Boston, Canada to Texas, and California to England!  Her presentations on Music for Health and Wellness will WOW your group and have them begging for more!   Hire Alice

Audiences today are clamoring for information about how music heals.  Dr. Alice Cash is the person who can deliver.  If you’d like more information about hiring Dr. Cash to speak at your event, conference, convention, seminar, or university, go to www.HealingMusicEnterprises.com/speaker.html.


4 Comments so far ↓

  • Terrie Wurzbacher

    This is so important for people to realize – what great healing qualities there is in music – especially Brahm’s Lullaby. By the way, what’s your medical specialty?
    Thanks for having this site

  • Dr. Alice Cash

    Hi Terrie,

    I am a Ph.D. musicologist and a licensed clinical social worker. I did research for most of the ’90’s at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and worked at Baptist Hospital East here in Louisville from ’97 to ‘2005. I’m now in private practice in Louisville.

  • phil vaughn

    My father suffered a stroke about 15 years ago. I would like to know what is the best music to help heal the brain. He is currently receiving neurofeedback treatments, and he has also had oxygen theraphy. Sincerely, Phil Vaughn

  • DR.Bhaskar Khandekar

    Indian Music Therapy Day
    Celebrate Indian Music Therapy Day on 13 May
    We need to promote Indian Music Therapy. Because- “The Indian Music is very good for healing and meditation … Indian Music is wonderful: not only tonal therapy, but a tonic for each day…”
    Indian Music Therapy Day is celebrated on each 13 May of the year so we can redefine National peace and health in a much simpler and melodious way.
    Almost every singer, musician and dancer- everyone related to the Indian Music- have the same opinion and message to offer on the occasion of Indian Music Therapy Day.
    ”This is a day which brings Music Therapists, Musicians and music lovers from all over the Country together to celebrate the union of so many kinds of music. This is itself has the capacity of redefining National peace and health.”
    Now Indian Music Therapy Day will spread over the entire globe. Indian Music Therapy Day will be recognized for the contribution of Indian Music Therapists to improve the quality of live for over Indian citizens. Indian Music Therapy Day supports the profession and practitioners of music therapy to promote access to quality professional music therapy services for the citizens of Indian.

    Why Indian Music Therapy Day should celebrate?

    • Goal of Indian Music Therapy Day festival is to make propaganda of Indian Music Therapy in various manners.
    • To Increase the Public Awareness and Government awareness.
    • The Day will be utilized to make the Music Therapy promotion.
    • This celebration provides the platform for the public attaining all the Music Therapist.
    How Indian Music Therapy Day should celebrate?

    In order to build peace and health on National level by the means of Music Therapy, this gala of festival should celebrate joyfully on National level.
    Thus, celebration of Indian Music Therapy Day involves:-
    Arranging speech of leading Music Therapist, Musicologists, Research Scholars and interpreters in order to gather the knowledge based on the essence of Music Therapy and recent scenario of Indian Music Therapy.
    Arranging Seminars and Workshops of Music therapy and Artists. Organizing music competitions and quizzes arranging different exhibitions of Music Therapy.
    Exhibition of Musical instruments, paintings, posters,
    Photographs typically based on musical themes.
    Giving invitation to the delegations of Music Therapists, Musicians and Research scholars from all over India in order to ask for their participation during Indian Music Therapy Day.

    Thanking you in anticipation of favourable action.
    Issued By- India’s First Music Therapist
    Dr. Bhaskar Khandekar
    Contribute and Join us to celebrate the Indian Music Therapy day on 13 May,
    For more details contact – evnt.manager@gmail.com

    We are is pleased to announce the
    Music Therapy Day on 13 May.
    We need help to celebrate Indian Music Therapy Day on 13May. Your financial contribution will support for advancement and promotion to Indian Music Therapy & Research work.
    Kalawardhan Academy is a non-profit, non-ethnic, non-religious, and non-partisan organization in all its dealings with the Performing Arts and devoted Indian classical Music and Music Therapy Students.
    Kindly make all donations payable to `Kalawardhan Academy’ Jabalpur and a memo -scholarship fund. Mail your donations to: Director-Kalavardhan Academy at-kalavardhan.academy@gmail.com
    Thank You for spending time reading this Article and Appeal, and also Wishes You God Blessings and Good Wishes.

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