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In Memorium: John Henderson, 1947-2017

August 2nd, 2020 · No Comments · In memorium

John Henderson began working for Healing Music Enterprises in 2005 after I heard him speak at a local seminar. I was impressed by his knowledge, his communication skills and his kindness.

John was my webmaster for the next 10 years and came to my house most every Thursday morning to work on my website with me. He taught me so much about the practicalities of website management, even though his platform of choice was a very old platform called FrontPage.

He began working for me in June of 2005, right after I had gone to Cancun University, sponsored by the National Speakers Association, and had the brainstorm for what was to become Surgical Serenity Solutions. John was eager to be involved with that, and when I finally created by first playlist in 2009 and found a programmable headphone online, he was very eager to be a part of this.

Not only was John an integral part of our Advisory Board meetings, but he also was very much a guinea pig for the concept, and as his health began to decline, he would take his Surgical Serenity headphones with him to the hospital for various procedures, and get pictures for me and report of how much they helped!

John was a dear, dear friend and colleague, and designed the first box that we were able to brand, based on the box that he got the manufacturer to create.

When I presented my idea to the first Venture Shark meeting in Louisville in 2010, and WON, John was played the part of my patient in a wheelchair, wearing the headphones, and holding a boom box in his lap, playing our Serenity Playlist for all to hear.

We were all so devastated when John was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2014. He later told me that he knew he had not taken care of his health growing up and was likely exposed to Agent Orange growing up on a farm in Wisconsin. He further revealed that he almost never went to the doctor because he didn’t like doctors.

John was a caring and generous man who help bring Healing Music Enterprises and Surgical Serenity Solutions a long way. We miss him a lot and wish his family the best. If you have a memory of John Henderson, please leave it here! RIP dear John.


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