Tweet Have you ever wondered about music during brain surgery? For decades I’ve been reading about people who play violin, saxophone, guitar, even bagpipes during surgery. I’ve even seen a video of a man singing an operatic aria during brain surgery…and doing so beautifully! Why does this happen so frequently? Just this morning, I received […]
Entries Tagged as 'music and brain cancer'
Music during Brain Surgery
June 4th, 2017 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and brain cancer
Does Music Make YOUR Brain Sing?
August 3rd, 2013 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and alzheimer, music and brain cancer, music and the brain
Tweet The brain is still very much an unexplored frontier. At least, it’s a complex and mysterious frontier. Neuroscientist have come a long way in the past couple of decades, but there is still so much that we don’t understand because of the brain’s complexity. The interface of genetics, DNA, and neuroscience is a delicious […]
Music and Brain Tumors: a story in the news
January 7th, 2009 · No Comments · music and brain cancer
Tweet Brain tumors survivors find inspiration in CD’s healing message Joe Nagy of Derry was losing hope for recovery from a brain tumor when he encountered the healing message of David Bailey’s music. He drew on that strength while facing his second brain surgery, Nagy said Tuesday at Integrative Medical Advisory Council’s announcement of a new […]