The Brain and Music

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Entries Tagged as 'how the brain works'

Listening to favorite music triggers similar brain activity, no matter the genre

July 3rd, 2017 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and the brain

Tweet Listening to favorite music triggers similar brain activity, whether it is jazz, classical, New Age, or even hip-hop!  That’s not really so surprising, is it?  It’s all about pleasure, I think, and we all like different types of music, different types of food, different types of climates, even different types of personalities.  But this […]


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Music during Brain Surgery

June 4th, 2017 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and brain cancer

Tweet Have you ever wondered about music during brain surgery?  For decades I’ve been reading about people who play violin, saxophone, guitar, even bagpipes during surgery.  I’ve even seen a video of a man singing an operatic aria during brain surgery…and doing so beautifully!  Why does this happen so frequently? Just this morning, I received […]



Brain Science looks at Music’s Effects

April 27th, 2017 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and the brain

Tweet I’ve always been fascinated by brain science and how music affects our brains and why we humans respond so powerfully to music of all kinds!  Luckily for me, brain scientists are also really interested in this subject and new articles come out frequently that help to explain this phenomenon to us! Today I came […]



How do Anxiety and Stress Affect your Brain?

March 14th, 2017 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and the brain

Tweet How do anxiety and stress affect your brain?  Have YOU ever felt anxious or stressed.  If you are a normal human being the answer is definitely a resounding “YES!”  Unfortunately, anxiety and stress are just part of the human condition.  And especially in the 21st century it seems.  Every day is go-go-go from morning […]



Music, Brain, Cortisol: What’s the issue??

February 15th, 2017 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and the brain

Tweet What’s the connection between Music, Brain and Cortisol?  Neuroscientists call cortisol “The Stress Hormone.”  Why? because when humans are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression and fear, their bodies produce the hormone known as cortisol.  And what does cortisol do for the body?    Too much cortisol basically ravages the body and tears down the cells […]

