The Brain and Music

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Entries Tagged as 'music and alzheimer'

Music, Memory and the Brain

May 26th, 2015 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and alzheimer, music and the brain

Tweet As we age, music from our past means more and more to us.  Part of that is the fact that we know more and more music and our inner library of “oldies” keeps growing and expanding.  Have you ever heard a piece of music that you haven’t heard in years and years, or even […]



Music and the Brain: Fountain of Youth?

May 6th, 2015 · No Comments · music and alzheimer, music and the brain

Tweet There is so much wonderful information out there today about the brain and how you can stay young and even reverse aging by using your brain for new tasks, such as foreign language learning, taking up a new musical instrument, or taking new pathways around your town or just your house.  Experts tell us […]


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Music and the Brain of an Alzheimer’s Patient

January 30th, 2015 · 2 Comments · how the brain works, music and alzheimer, music and the brain

Tweet The brain of the patient with Alzheimer’s disease is affected in a manner that has been described as being filled with tangled, plaque-laden dendrites.  Although, I believe that we are closer to a cure than ever before, it still stands to be a major disease with us aging baby boomers. Research is being conducted […]



Does Music Make YOUR Brain Sing?

August 3rd, 2013 · No Comments · how the brain works, music and alzheimer, music and brain cancer, music and the brain

Tweet The brain is still very much an unexplored frontier. At least, it’s a complex and mysterious frontier. Neuroscientist have come a long way in the past couple of decades, but there is still so much that we don’t understand because of the brain’s complexity. The interface of genetics, DNA, and neuroscience is a delicious […]



One of the most powerful tools to help Alzheimer’s patients

June 28th, 2010 · 2 Comments · music and alzheimer

Tweet   Alzheimer’s patients have  been using music to help with memory care for many decades now. Alzheimer’s patients especially, respond to the music of their courting years.  Music brings smiles to their faces, songs to their lips, and healing to their minds and bodies.  Both well elderly and frail elderly often respond to music […]

