22 Favorite and Well-known Lullabies
Learn the Words and Music to
Soothe, Calm and Comfort your Baby…
Soothing Music for Babies and Newborns:
Lullabies for Mother and Child Bonding
You May Play the Music, Sing Along, or Just Hum to Your Baby
Soothing music is one of the most important things you can use with your new baby or preemie to help them sleep. Fussy, crying babies are stressful for new parents and finding a way to quiet and calm your baby is crucially important! Soothing and calming a baby is not always easy because new parents don’t know why the baby is crying. If the baby is ill or in pain, you must find the cause of the problem, but if baby is fussy and cranky because they are tired, then soothing, calming music is your answer.
People tend to underestimate the power of simple things. In this case, the research is there: playing and singing soothing music to your baby, both before and after birth, creates a bond that is the foundation of healthy relationships. Many new mothers are unsure about their mothering skills. With this CD, the mother can familiarize herself with many of the well-known, classic lullabies, sung by generations of mothers and grandmothers (and fathers, brothers, aunts and others!) and then sing them herself to her new baby. The CD can also be played for baby at other times just by itself.
“Look! Your Music is Ready to Use!”
Our “Lullaphones” are “Ready to Listen!” |
Your music will arrive on high-quality, self-contained, wireless headphones that are already pre-loaded with your lullabies.
Just unpack, charge the batteries and you are ready to listen!
After clicking the button, just choose the “Lullaby” playlist
The research documents that lullabies:
- Create a sonic bond of love and caring, even before birth
- Ensure that baby comes into world knowing mother’s voice and associating that with being loved and cared for
With preemies, this is even more critical. | |
When Mom sings to baby the effect is:
Resulting in:

These same lullabies will provide comfort and oftentimes instantaneous quieting of fussy and fretting babies.
NOTE: You will receive:
- You headphones with 22 lullabies already loaded and ready to use.
- All the Lyrics – You might not remember the words from when you were a baby!
Lullabies for Healthy Bonding |
This is not a 10-12 song album. You are purchasing 22 complete songs! |
“Look Again! Your Music is Ready to Use!”
You will receive your pre-programmed Lullaby Headphones in just a few days.
Dr. Cash is a clinical musicologist and mother of three daughters, all of whom heard these lullabies before and after birth. All three are now professional musicians or artists.