Healing Music in a part of every culture known to man. From the gentle lulling of a mother to her newborn, to the rousing music created to build a crowd into a unified whole, music is a powerful force in the world. I have now spoken all over the United States and Canada, and in some foreign countries including South Korea and the South Pacific. I’ve spoken in German, France, Italy, England, Scotland and Ireland, and I know that every culture has it’s own musical style and unique instruments and dance
There are so many instruments around the globe, that for years, North Americans knew nothing about. For example, the Gamelan, the digiridoo, all kinds of singing bowls and drums; all are used daily in other cultures to heal, comfort and soothe the painful body and the ragged soul.
Percussion and brass instruments have traditionally been used to gather, stir, and inspire people: think of overtures, parades, and battle marches. Strings and winds are more often used to calm and soothe. And then there are individual instruments like harp and piano, that can be used to calm and soothe, or excite, inspire and motivate.
And then there’s the human voice, possibly the most healing of all instruments. When it’s a mother, or grandmother lulling the newborn child, or the wail of a man who has lost his wife, his child, his parent or best friend, the voice can convey the deepest pain and sorrow, sweet ecstacy, or fervent praise. That is one very important reason that children should always be encouraged to sing and to express themselves in song and music. If music is sung, played, and heard in the home, children will benefit in so many different ways, not just in appreciation. Over the years, I’ve had adults tell me that they were encouraged to just “mouth” the words and not actually sing the notes, because their voices were not “good enough.” That breaks my heart because themany of them have become almost phobic of music.
Years ago, when I first began researching the healing power of music and I was beginning to speak around the state, people would ask me what I thought about the environmental healing music? I think it’s not only wonderful, but I believe that the music of nature is the ORIGINAL healing music. Birdsongs, babbling brooks, waves lapping the shore, wind through the pines? What more beauty and healing could anyone want. We have all been blessed with all kinds of opportunity to create healing, love and peace through music, sound, and vibration.
And NOW, we finally have our 5 Healing Music Apps for download in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store: www.SurgicalSerenitySolutions.com/calm
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