Archive | Affiliate Promos

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I’m going to keep this really short!!  Since we got our new “Patient Model” headphones last Spring, they have literally been super successful.  Every day people buy them and say that they will never go through surgery again without them.  There is no doubt that one day soon, music headphones will be in every hospital […]

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Instruments of Healing Music: Drum Circles

How many of you have ever participated in a drum circle?  Today drum circles are very popular and for good reasons!  Drum circle are loads of fun, require no prior musical training, require no musical ability and enable you to connect emotionally and energetically with people that you’ve never met before that day. I first […]

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What do you know about "Second Life"?

Do you know about “Second Life”? Several months ago I was interviewed by Dave Schwartz of Music Academy Online. The hour-long interview was done in Second Life, a technology that gives humans animated avatars on-screen.  The interviewed focused on the research I did on the famous harpsichordist, Wanda Landowska.  We discussed my sources and how I […]

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