Is it possible that music can do anything to comfort someone during a flood? This week has seen one of the most devastating floods since Noah!! It was all a result of Hurricane Harvey that ripped through Houston, stalled out there for the next five days, and then drifted out to sea, gained strength and […]
Archive | Music and Emotion

The Incredible Power of Christmas Music
What do you get when you combine one the oldest, most-anticipated holiday celebrations of not just childhood, but throughout the life-span, and music?? Of course you get the most magical, powerful, and emotional music that has ever been written! Get Alice’s Christmas CD! Now if you’ve been following my blog for any time at all, […]
Music stirs emotion: but how?
Music stirs emotion, but do scientists really know how or why? Does music make you feel emotional? Of course it does! But why does this happen and how can music stir up so many different emotions? This is a question that we all ask ourselves from time to time. We can innocently turn on the […]
Healing Music with Depression and Anxiety
Healing music is so easy to incorporate into your day, especially if you suffer from anxiety and depression! Do you give yourself the recommended daily allowance of the music you love?? Most people listen to music on their car radios, their iPods, and their iPhones, but is it the music you really love the most? […]
Which is the most powerful emotional instrument?
That may seem like an impossible question to answer, and yet people do ask this question. I believe that the human voice is probably the most powerful instrument because of the infinite gradations of emotion that can be expressed with the voice. When you add the element of acting and facial expression and bodily gestures, […]