Archive | Lullabies

Lullaby for Mother-Baby Bonding

The Art of the Lullaby: Lullabies for Mother-Baby Bonding

Have you ever considered the power of lullabies for mother-baby bonding? When did the world’s first mother sing her child the first lullaby?  Probably at the very beginning of time, when the sun first set and the moon first rose in the sky.  Singing to your child, crooning to your child, or humming to your […]

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Gigi and Beau.9.14

Preemies and the Power of Music

Who doesn’t love a tiny, newborn baby?  The innocense, the sweetness, the delicious smell and sounds?  But if your baby was born prematurely, and survived, chances are that there will be weeks and months and continued struggle, just to survive.   Sometimes, parents know that there is a good chance that their baby or babies […]

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