Archive | Music and Relaxation


Colonoscopy with Music: it makes a difference!

Nobody wants to have a colonoscopy, but having a colonoscopy with music can definitely make a difference.  As we Baby Boomers move into our 60’s and beyond, having a colonoscopy is inevitable.  It’s also highly recommended as a proven way to prevent colon cancer by catching it really early. On the morning of July 20, […]

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What's the difference between music therapy and music medicine/music healing?

This is a question that I get a lot.  Many people, maybe most, assume that these descriptions are all interchangeable and there is definitely a lot of overlap.  Music therapists will tell you that in order for music therapy to be administered, there must be a trained music therapist present to help the patient select […]

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Fear of the Dentist: How much could music headphones help?

Nearly one-quarter of all Americans avoid dentists because they’re afraid, according to American Dental Association surveys. And the fear comes in many forms. In an attempt to win back fearful patients, dentists like Dr. Eda Ellis in New York offer spa-like services. WSJ’s health columnist Melinda Beck reports. There’s fear of pain, fear of needles, […]

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