Archive | Music in the News!

Music with Preemies: Research is in!

I have known since before my children were born, that music is powerful with infants and children.  What I didn’t know in those early days was that babies can hear up to 5 months before they are born.  Research has documented that the fetal ear can begin functioning as early as the beginning of the […]

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Another story of music's power with Alzheimer's patients

by Steve Toll and Linda Bareham What better “medicine” than a “treatment” that has only positive side effects and “therapy” that is actually enjoyable? That is the “miracle of music” when applied with intention. Music is shown to have the ability to help organize the brain; especially vital to those who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s. […]

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Fear of the Dentist: How much could music headphones help?

Nearly one-quarter of all Americans avoid dentists because they’re afraid, according to American Dental Association surveys. And the fear comes in many forms. In an attempt to win back fearful patients, dentists like Dr. Eda Ellis in New York offer spa-like services. WSJ’s health columnist Melinda Beck reports. There’s fear of pain, fear of needles, […]

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